Whenever the act of questioning oneself or one ideology gets difficult for my depths of expression, I find myself leaning on an intuitive and emotionally practiced version of my consciousness where I experiment with finding the unknown by leaning on my unconscious mystic values; and try presenting the insights that I am longing to express in routine events. But unfortunately, like most people, I end up being inadvertently misunderstood. Whenever I create, it’s to understand my intentions by an instinctive justification, and whenever I live my daily rational life, instead of my creations being made under the purpose of adding something to the void of an a priori, ‘rationality’ always serves as a temporary definition to my connection to the utopian perception of creation. Even though the awareness of reaching a finite solution is a delusion, I sincerely think that synthetically concluding instinctive claims via art and expression will make us brighter. Change is everywhere, but adapting to changeability with profoundness and confidence while defending an opinion, or a creation is what I want to do as an artist. Perhaps knowingly putting this manifesto on my website which will change at a time when my conscious mind decides that this concept has expired or is not novel enough, is a considerable example of my aching and sympathy for the unreliability of synthetic expressions.
Based in Philadelphia, Delfin is an aspiring composition student, pianist, thinker, and a speaker. She’s currently a composition student at the Curtis Institute studying with Nick DiBerardino, Amy Beth Kirsten, Steven Mackey, Jonathan Bailey Holland, and Richard Danielpour.
